President Obama Signs Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill Into Law
A great step by Obama, another promise kept.
And I can't help but ask: what are the odds McCain would have done this?
Tell me there's no difference.
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.
A great step by Obama, another promise kept.
And I can't help but ask: what are the odds McCain would have done this?
Tell me there's no difference.
This is rich. I don't know if I can think of another religion that tells its adherents to refuse to discuss the tenets of the religion, can you?
Labels: Bill Frist, Bill Maher, H1N1, swine flu
Labels: cruising, Larry Craig, wide stance
Labels: Kevin Brown, Kevin MacNeil Brown
Sure, "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" makes you sound smart, but so what?
Labels: Nobel Prize, Obama
If it were someone on the Left pointing out this uncomfortable fact we would have been accused of fomenting class struggle. What if it's a giant bank, which is not only describing, but celebrating this key fact of the world economy? As usual, accusations of "class struggle" seem to be reserved for those of us who point out who's winning.
I learned about both of these concepts, and many more, from Michael Moore's new movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, which opened last night at the Savoy. In addition to the victims, like families losing their homes to rapacious banks; and villains who have gotten rich off the taxpayers; Moore presents us with heroes, including Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and the workers at Republic Door and Window, who staged a sit-in at their factory until the company agrees to pay them the Trade Readjustment Act money it owed them.
You might say this is standard Michael Moore fare, and I guess that would be right. Still, the combination of outrage, humor, and insight into things you've never heard of make this worth seeing. A love story? Well, that is something I question.
Labels: Capitalism, dead peasant, Michael Moore, plutonomy, Savoy Theater
Labels: Hollywood, John Legend, rape, Roman Polanski, Whoopie Goldberg
Labels: American Library Association, banned books wek, Jamie Larue, Uncle Bobby's Wedding