Monday, February 20, 2012

Santorum: Making it easy

Deep down, I still don't really believe that Rick Santorum (please follow the link!) is going to be the Republican nominee. I really don't.

Still, you have to admit that he's making it easy for us.

Take the last couple of days.

On Saturday Santorum told a crowd of supporters that President Obama's religious beliefs are a "phony ideology" "not based in the bible". Naturally Obama's people jumped all over that, saying that the remarks were over the line. Even though we're electing a president and not a religious leader, it's hard to deny that, especially in light of years of racist attacks claiming that President Obama is a Muslim.

It was so bad that Santorum had to do damage control and claim that he was not attacking Obama's religion.

So that's all behind us, right?

Umm, except for what Santorum's spokesperson said today.

He was talking about the president's "radical Islamic policies".

No attack on President Obama's religion there, eh?

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